
Conservative friends taking on the amoral liberal ideas of the world.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I'm going to be a New American

An old friend of mine came over today and, as usual, talk turned to the current political scene.
We spoke for some time about our distinct displeasure ovcer the last "stolen" election. I say "stolen" because we both believe that people, some who never voted before and knew little about politics and some who were completely uneducated, were conned into voting for Obama thru promises of non-specific "change".

In disgust, he said that he was going to become a "New American". I asked him what he meant and his answer was something like this: I'm going to get some credit cards, buy stuff I want but can't really afford, not pay the bills then file bankruptcy. I see everybody around me shirking their responsibility and that's what our leaders in Washington are doing and it's what they expect of us. I don't need a job, unemployment will take care of me. I couldn't retire anyway since my 401K lost 60% of its value, and I'm helpless to do anything about it, so why not?

My only answer was that it's just not the right thing to do.

He responded that it didn't matter anymore. The "Old Americans" were the only ones that cared about responsibility and the right thing anymore. The New Americans, those who were voting and going to be running the US of A in the future, didn't care about that stuff. Working to get ahead was a thing of the past, we were going to let those who did work, support us. "The Government" will take care of us.

Bottom line: I'm not going to do it, and I hope he doesn't either. We both understand the economics of Socialism and why it ruins the lives of most involved, and why it always devolves into dictatorships and anarchy, and the loss of freedom that accompanies all three. We both understand the advantages and rewards of Capitalism, the personal freedom it affords and how the current administration is trying to destroy it.

It's hard to be optimistic about the future when the background against which we live is being redrawn with the intent to eliminate individual creativity, individual achievement, and eventually to destroy the individual itself.

We'll see.