
Conservative friends taking on the amoral liberal ideas of the world.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Are You a Sheep?

A new GAO report says the oil industry received over $150 billion in tax breaks in the past 32 years. These breaks are to help the oil industry change things so-as to lessen our dependence on foreign oil. Yet, no new refineries have been built in decades, and our dependence on foreign oil has never been higher! Does that make you mad?

Congress passed a bill in August, giving $8 billion in MORE tax breaks to the oil industry. Ehlers, Hoekstra, Camp, Levin, Upton and Stabenow (all representatives of West Michigan) voted for the bill. Does that make you mad?

Now comes news that Exxon had a record profit of $10 billion in 3 months. Shell’s profit was $9 billion. And yet our government, deep in debt, continues to give tax breaks to an oil industry that is making record profits while charging record prices for its products. NOW are you mad?

You’ve got a right to be upset about all of this. But you’ve got no right to complain about it unless you do something about it. Complain to your representatives who vote for the tax breaks. Do any number of simple things that reduce your consumption of energy. Don't buy gas, diesel or fuel from the worst offenders. And most important, VOTE.

Sheep being led to slaughter never complain until it’s too late. We don't have to share that same fate.