
Conservative friends taking on the amoral liberal ideas of the world.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Of guns and liberals

The Bill of Rights, of which the Second Amendment is one, establishes certain absolute rights as belonging to the individual citizens (NOT the government, or the military, or the police) of the USA. None of these rights are so-called "collective rights," but are individual rights.

But they all are dependent, when push comes to shove, on the Second Amendment. Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Assembly .... ALL of them. With no Second Amendment, then the Bill of Rights effectively becomes null and void. There is no way to enforce it.

Mr. Liberal, is THAT what you are after?

With all your whining about the supposed imminent creation of a facist state here in the USA, WHY ARE YOU SUPPORTING SOMETHING THAT WILL ENSURE IT HAPPENING?
William A. Whittle

published without the authors permission