
Conservative friends taking on the amoral liberal ideas of the world.

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Dirty Little Secret about ObamaCare.

No, it's not about race. It's all about pandering to people
who want someone else to pay their bills.

Health Care too expensive? Don't want to pay for what you
use? Just get an insurance company to pick up the tab, they've
got lots of money. Make someone else pay. Have the government
force them to pay.

Insurance companies work by mitigating risk. That is, they play
the odds. They have rules about what they cover based on the
percentages of how many of their insured will need a payout for
that coverage. When the government forces insurance companies
to cover additional ailments the cost of coverage must go up.

Health Insurance should be about catastrophic illness and
accidents, not about paying for checkups or flu shots.
It would be ludicris to expect your car insurance to pay for
oil changes and fillups for your car.

It really bothers me when I hear someone say "I can't get that
drug/supply/referal because my insurance won't cover it."
Wake UP! You CAN get that if you just open your own wallet.

Now, if you hear someone say that any changes won't cost
anything, the person speaking is blantly lying. The government,
in recent memory, has never required a change in private industry
that didn't cost the taxpayer something.

Remember, the government has no money of it's own. The money
it spends, it takes from working families in taxes and
regulations. Worse, when the government presses print new money
without taking old money out of circulation, the value of the
dollars in your wallet, in your savings and in your 401k go down.
It's called inflation.

The real story? Personally I do not think Obama is interested
in fixing anything about America's health. I think his real
goal is the distruction of the American economy, as evidenced
by his lack of understanding of the historical cause and effect
of big government meddling in any financial issues.

ObamaCare is just another case of ponzi scheme politics.


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