
Conservative friends taking on the amoral liberal ideas of the world.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Clinton, Limbaugh, Edwards & Hannity

What do Hillary Clinton, Rush Limbaugh, John Edwards and Sean Hannity all have in common? They all mistakenly identify Hillary's proposal as "a health care solution". Hillary's proposal has nothing at all to do with health care.
Her proposal is simply a health insurance subsidy provided by other productive Americans.
Here's how it really works: Assuming the government is 75% effecient, they will take $1000 from you and then give you back $750 to pay your medical bills, or pay it directly so you never even see the missing 25%. (Or really give it to someone else who is "less fortunate") That's the shell game. But, a lot of people educated in government schools, can't see past the "I'll give you something for free" mantra.
Remember, the government has no money of it's own. It only has money that it takes from productive Americans.


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