
Conservative friends taking on the amoral liberal ideas of the world.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Job Application

John Kerry wants a job. He wants to be President of the United States. He has applied to the American people for the position.
When you or I fill out a job application or send in a resume, it's very important to be complete when describing our experience and qualifications for the job we want. It's very important that we be accurate and leave no gaps in our employment history.
John Kerry is applying for the job of President, and the resume he handed us is based solely on a 4 month period that happened 30 years ago. In fact, the intervening 30 year period is mostly not discussable with him.
When you or I go for a job interview, this would be interpreted as a 30 year unemployed gap in our professional lives and not acceptable to most employers. An accounting firm certainly would not hire an applicant that said "Sure, I worked for four months then was unemployed for 30 years."
We know what John Kerry's voting record is during that 'missing' 30 years, it's a matter of public record and it's mostly contrary to what he is saying he would do if he gets the job. On several occasions during his 'interview', he mis-stated the facts having to contradict himself as an explaination.
As his prospective future employeer, I think there is a better candidate for the job than John Kerry. A candidate who is willing to share his past performance and job history. A candidate whose last 30 years are not intentionally shrouded in secrecy.
If I keep John Kerry's resume, I'll put it on the bottom of the stack. It's my job to choose the best candidate for the position, one who I think has the best interests of the 'company' in mind and one who I can trust.
John Kerry is not a good fit for this position.


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