
Conservative friends taking on the amoral liberal ideas of the world.

Friday, April 16, 2004

The Basics

Hello all you readers out there in internet land. I am "The Outlaw Kyle". I'll be posting here from time to time. The first one up here is in regards to a e-mail discussion I have been having with my good friends here. We were discussing the "need" to own a gun, when BS, stated that he was concerned with his child gaining access to said weapon. My Reply:

Securing guns isn't hard.

Hand Guns:
1. If you want to keep it "ready", i.e. loaded, you can get a safe that fits one hand gun, and uses either a 4 button code or finger prints. If the safe is moved, it sounds an alarm. If you put in the wrong code more then ~3 times, alarm.
2. If you don't need it ready, many hand guns (Taurus, Springfield, S&W, Glock) all offer lockable guns. Store the ammo in a locked box, and you set.
3. Ultimate secure: Disassemble gun (only works with semi-auto pistols). Store slide in one box, ammo in another, frame in a third. It would take me a while to get it together, so I assume that a child could do it in half the time;)

Long guns:

1. No "need" to keep a long gun laying around loaded
2. All firearms sold through dealers in the great state of Michigan come with at least a trigger lock. Use it. If it doesn't come with one, get one. $7 bucks is worth your kids life.
3. Any gun with a bolt, remove the bolt, store separately from gun and ammo.

That said, the best defense against your children getting access to your steel is training them over and over to NOT TOUCH while your not there. If your kids are high strung, or can't follow your commands, don't let them near them till they can, and be extra vigilant. If they show an interest, take them shooting a lot. If they are shooting with you, they won't be curious about guns, they'll know. Teach them safety, and don't trust other kids around your guns.

Keep your powder dry.